写一篇以成都交通为题的 英语作文,成都的交通怎么样英语

写一篇以成都交通为题的 英语作文

Nowadays, there are many people dying because of traffic accidents. Road safety has aroused much attention. Many rules are made to reduce this kind of accidents, but they do not work very well. In my opinion, we should pay much attention to road safety in daily life. When we walk in the street, we must walk in the sideway. We have to learn to protect ourselves. Besides, car drivers should obey the traffic rules. It’s both good to themselves and others. In one word, road safety is a big problem that all of us should look out particularly. After all, life is not a small matter.



优点: Advantages
1.候车环境比较舒适(More comfortable waiting environment )
2.站台使用的是屏蔽门,比较安全 (The platform use the screen door to ensure safety)
3.地铁车站文化方面,凸显了卜李孙城市特色(Cultural aspects ,The subway station highlight the city characteristic )
4.与其他交通工具衔接的好,换乘较方便( Good linking with other transportation tools and its convenient to make the transfer)

对乘客来讲:For passengers
能快速安全的进站, 较短的候车时间, 舒适的乘车型链环境,及时出站扰判 最为重要(…….are the mainly important factors ) Drawing into the station in quickly and safety mode, Shorter waiting time,Comfort travelling environment Departure on time
对地铁公司:For metro
地铁安全;Subway/Metro security
尽可能提高服务水平;Improve service level as far as possible


What do you think of the traffic condition of your city?

请用英语评价下面几种有关交通的工具,每个至少超过四句话,并推荐在成都旅游的交通方式:taxi se

taxi service , so expencive.the subway system, too crowded. the bus system, so crowded.the train system ,always be late. facilities (拿卜袭设施)for pedestrian (行人)消兄,弊颂oh the road is their yard. parking ,so difficult